Wednesday 7 June 2023

Moth Balls

Hello, dear reader!

I’ve said it before. No doubt I’ll say it again. This time, however, I really do mean it.

It’s going to be a short one today.

Conspiracy Theory
The reasons for this are many and varied. There’s the impact of a trip to the cinema, something myself and my ever wondrous wife, Tina, have been toying with for a while now, but which circumstance, health (both mental and physical), and finances, have conspired to make much more likely today.

Then there’s the other thing, the thing that stop me writing the blog more than anything else.

There’s been nothing much to report.

It is useful when putting finger to keyboard, to have a general idea of what may come out at the end of the process. I know it often doesn’t feel like it, but, generally, I do have a loose plan for these weekly diatribes—The operative word there being ‘loose’.

Nothing To Report
This week, however, I have been exactly nowhere, and while there, have done precisely nothing. It makes writing about it tricky.

In fact, the one thing I can think to draw any kind of inspiration from is a subject I'm a little loath to mention, and that’s the subject of moths.

I’m not sure if it’s the unseasonably warm weather, the hoarding of much-loved T-shirts, or the damp that seems to have seeped into the corners of our home since we had the roof replaced (I’m, not sure there’s a causal link there, but the timing seems suspicious), but the little blighters have become noticeable in the last few weeks, prompting us to take action.

Said action? Well, there’s been no clambering upon ladders, armed with rolled up newspaper, no cartoon battle of wits (the moths would win), but purchases have been made and traps laid.

The traps in question are simple affairs. A piece of cardboard which can be folded into a hollow pyramid or ten. The inside of this structure is treated with a sticky substance scented with pheromones which, assuming the moths are clothes moths as we think, should lure them to their sticky demise.

So far, they’ve been up 48hrs and no takers. I may have heard a high-pitched Ha-Ha!, but that could be my imagination.

Up The Arsenal
The second part of the arsenal came yesterday, and comprises a more direct approach. Moth spray! I’m yet to give it a good go, but this is the bit which could be more fun, and, potentially, more damaging to life and limb. I shall let you know how it goes.

And that’s it. A tale of moths and a life rolled up in moth-balls until the new windows get put in, or we have the energy and reserves to get out a bit more and do something more worthy of sharing.

What is it they say about being careful what you wish for?

Until next time…

Hey, there! If you enjoyed reading any of the above, why not take a look at some of my published work? Below you’ll find links to a number of short stories I’m lucky enough to have included in anthologies. I’d love to know what you think

New Tales Of Old: Volume 2

Death Ship



The Musketeers Vs Cthulhu

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