Sunday 28 August 2016

Bad Form(s)

Hello Dear Readers! 

Don't you just love paperwork? 

I expect the majority, if asked that question would reply with a very definite and heartfelt 'no', possibly prefaced with some slightly more colourful language.  

Sadly it is something that seems inescapable in this busy modern world in which we live. It sometimes feels that there's a form for everything, that even the most mundane of tasks needs a signature, a ream of personal information, and a tick in a box to choose to receive/not to receive news of our latest offers 

Sadly this seems especially true for yours truly just now. 

Sunday 21 August 2016

All Fun & Games

Hello Dear Readers! 

You know, this world can be so frustrating. 

August is such a fantastic month. Not only does the weather tend to grace us with the odd glimpse of the sun (Sometimes for as many as 3 consecutive days!), it also sees the annual celebration off my arrival in this world (see Older Not Wiser), along with a host of other anniversaries. There has been the start of one World War and the end of another. There was the establishment of the first national fire service, the first regular police detective force, the foundation of the International Red Cross, and the sale of the first mass produced car 

This year has also seen the month marked by the advent of the sporting extravaganza known as the Olympic Games, and this is the source of my current frustrations. 

Sunday 14 August 2016


Hello Dear Readers!

Pregnancy tests should read: You're Screwed! or Keep Screwing!

Well that was the week that was.
Yes, my much vaunted birthday week off work has indeed come and gone with what seems like Quicksilver type speed.

It does, however leave in its wake a much more relaxed blogger, one who has seen Suicide Squad (Enjoyed it hugely, ignore the critics.) Eaten too much, drunk too much and generally had a whale of a time.

That’s not what I want to talk about today though.

Sunday 7 August 2016

Older Not Wiser

Hello Dear Readers!

Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional
Chili Davies

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

No, not Christmas. This is a summer festival. A celebration of a truly great man. A man I admire hugely. A man possessed of wit, wisdom, intelligence, an almost supernatural beauty and despite all this, an amazing, self-depreciating humbleness. 

He’s also a man who lies quite a lot.

That’s right, dear readers. This week sees the advent of my birthday.