Sunday 28 January 2018

Panic Stations

Hello dear readers!

Yup, I blipped again.

You’re not imagining things. Last weeks blog post was indeed absent, something that has occurred more than once of late. I might have a little re-think and move to fortnightly post but, If I’m honest I’m not sure that that would solve the issue.

You see there was a reason for this aberration.

Sunday 14 January 2018

The Doubt Of The Benefit

Hello dear readers!

Boy, am I nervous, and I mean really nervous.

It’s odd really as the reason for this anxiety lies a couple of weeks in the future, and I’m not usually one to worry that far in advance. In fact, if anything the accusation has been made my faire lies a little too much on the laissez (or should that be lazy) side of things. Comparisons to a particularly chilled out and perhaps only semi-conscious sloth may have occasionally been mentioned.

That being said, this is a biggie. A real watershed moment.

Monday 8 January 2018

Weight for it

Hello dear readers!

And welcome to the first post of the year. Yay!

Last week I talked about the end of a particularly tumultuous year and how I wanted to put that firmly in the rear view mirror and concentrate on getting the best out of 2018.

This has not changed, but in the last couple I’ve been hit particularly hard by the undeniable realisation that I’m taking something into the new year that I thought I’d neatly disposed of.