Sunday 27 December 2015

Short And Sweet

Hello, dear readers!

So, that's it for another year then. The show is over. Soon the tree will come down, the tinsel put back in its box and all that will remain will be memories and enough turkey to last another month or three.

And the presents of course. Let’s not forget the presents.

Sunday 20 December 2015

Last Christmas

Hello, dear readers!

Yep, it's that time again.

I'm not just talking about 'new post day', although I’m sure that alone is enough to send a tingle down the spine of literally some (or fewer) of you lovely people. No, what I mean is that special time of year, that most festive of days, that silliest of seasons... In short Christmas!

Sunday 13 December 2015

The End Of The Beginning

Hello Dear readers!

This week's offering finds your friendly neighbourhood seated person in a muddle of mixed emotions. In fact I had something entirely different planned but what follows just had to be written.

Sunday 6 December 2015

Shop Til You Drop (Then Start All Over Again.)

Hello dear readers!

Just before we get going on this week’s informative yet entertaining post I just want to mention a couple of general points.

Sunday 29 November 2015

Hand In Glove

Hello dear readers!

So, it would seem that the weather outside has turned seasonably frightful. Don't get me wrong, there's yet to be any snowfall in this particular corner of the north; rain however, well we've had that in spades today, possibly buckets.

Sunday 22 November 2015

Nothing Is Certain.

Hello dear readers!

So here we are with the first of the promised weekly blog posts. It's been a bit of a squeeze to be honest, as this weekend has been particularly busy, with a work night out, a three hour drive, and a meal out with the long suffering Mrs Seated Perspective’s church, so please do excuse the late hour.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Sooner Or Later Everyone Goes To The Zoo

Hello Dear Readers!

Well the last week has been eventful. For a starter a first and indeed a second interview have taken place at the previously mentioned purveyor of soft furnishings. The first of these went well, as evidenced by the resulting second.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

And The Rains Came Down.

Hello, dear readers!

Rain? Again? Didn't you already post about your adventures in the rain Mr Seated Perspective?

Well yes I did, but

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Radio Silence

Hello again dear readers!

Yes it is I, your friendly neighbourhood seated person, back in the blogosphere, ready to amuse, bemuse and bewilder at your convenience.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Where Do We Go From Here?

Hello dear readers.

No, it's not down to the lake I fear. In fact it's a totally different (and extremely geekish) song that brought the post title to mind. I'll leave you to ponder on that...

Thursday 9 July 2015

Half Time Chocolate Oranges

Hello dear readers

Today you join a very excited blogger for two very good reasons. 

Firstly, today is new coffee day!

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Man's best friend?

Good evening dear readers.

Tonight finds yours truly a tired but happy blogger. The main reason for this is the two hours spent walking around Roundhay Park with the long suffering lady wife, one of my amazing friends, her son and two very energetic dogs.

Sunday 5 July 2015

A Tale of Three Toilets

Hello dear readers.

Many apologies for the extended radio silence in the last couple of days. As I mentioned previously, Friday was the big leaving party.

Thursday 2 July 2015

The night before the day after

Hello readers!

And this time I know there are readers too, thanks to Blogger's comment section and stats thingy. Exciting times, eh? Well, dear readers, today finds your friendly neighbourhood blogger sat at his laptop, with a cup of tea and slightly steaming trousers, a fact I'll come back to in a minute.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Hello, good evening and good night.

Hello readers! (well hopefully readers.)

Yes, it's yet another blog for your delectation and wonder. Oh no! I hear you cry, not more meandering thoughts penned by an attention hungry idiot, determined to tell us the boring minutiae of his humdrum life.

Well yes... and no.