Wednesday 24 July 2024

Just The Two Of Us

Hello, dear reader!

Time, as they say, flies.

Nothing brings this home more than the slew of milestone celebrations 2024 has brought with it.

A 21st birthday, an 18th, myself and my wúnderwifey, Tina both turning a full half century. Each and every one of these events is a landmark, and each one of them makes me feel even older than the big 5-0 I turn in two and a half weeks.

But there’s one celebration that’s flown under the radar. Myself and Tina’s 12th wedding anniversary.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Out And About

Hello, dear reader!

And welcome to a busy old week.

Yes, it’s been a week of much activity, of reasonable long drives (for me), and jobs crossed off the list.

It’s one of those weeks that lends a strange sense of satisfaction to go alongside the creeping fatigue the unseasonably seasonal weather is failing to help. You will therefore, I hope, not mind too much if I keep this one on the short side. Oh, you do? Unlucky.

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Dog Years

Hello, dear reader!

I have, on occasion, been accused of writing the same thing in these blog posts.

While this is not entirely accurate, I will admit to perhaps a smidgen of repetition when it comes to subject matter, and there is, of course, a reason for that which is the limited horizons of our (that’s me and my marvellous Mrs, Tina) lives.

This may be something that’s due a change in the coming years (fingers crossed), but at the time of writing, money and opportunity have conspired to limit the amount of subject matter available.

This week, for instance, we’re going to revisit the thorny issue of the dog.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Last Post

Hello, dear reader!

And how are we doing this fine if somewhat overcast day?

Me? Oh, I’m about as hunky as dory gets. A man filled with a new sense of optimism. A man enthused by possibility. A man ready to move on and see what the future holds

You see this blog post marks what I hope will be an ending. With a little luck, this will be the last blog post I write under a Conservative government.

Thursday 27 June 2024

A Kind Of Magic

Hello, dear reader!

They say kindness costs nothing. I’m a great believer in that.

True, there are some people who will take advantage of kindness, or see it as some sort of weakness, but we have names for people like that. Names I’ll refrain from detailing, lest delicate eyes are reading.

You see…kindness.

Last night was a case in point.

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Bus Stop

Hello, dear reader!

It’s been another eventful week for this particular branch of the Rankin family and yet again, it’s a birthday at the heart of it.

This time it was the turn of my dad to celebrate another trip around the sun with a slap up feast of Chinese cuisine, and being the good son I am, I helped him do that.

I turned up and ate.

Not that it’s the celebration itself which forms the crux of today’s offering. No, that’s reserved for the way there and the way back.

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Wheelchair Supporter

Hello, dear reader!

It’s coming home!

Well, probably not. I mean, as a Leeds United (I know) and England fan, I’m not un-used to disappointment, so it’s probably best not to get my hopes up too far.


For those of you that haven’t got a Scooby, what I’m talking about, I refer to the upcoming UEFA Euro 2024 football championships.

I’ll pause here for the customary wailing and gnashing of teeth.