Wednesday 12 April 2023

Revenge Of The Mutant Guinea Pigs

Hello, dear reader!

It has been brought to my attention that, on occasion, I may be ploughing a familiar trough.

In other words, I might stray, every now and then into the repetitive and unoriginal when it comes to blogging subjects.

Get A Grip
It’s not that much of a surprise. I mean, I lead, in the main, a quiet and unassuming life which, although good for the stress levels, tends to lead to a little head scratching when it comes to a (mostly) weekly blog.

Take this week, for instance. Nothing much of note happened that hasn’t happened most other weeks apart from a quick coffee with family. It’s really not gripping stuff.

By The Book

It led me, when ruminating on what to write today, to consider two paths. There’s the blog post about my stated objective to read at least one book a month and how well that’s going (the rather brave decision to make this month’s book the complete works of H.P. Lovecraft to one side) and how that takes me back to the old days before writing was a thing for me and social media was talking about last night’s telly.

Then I realised I’d already made that pledge a few years back, and for pretty much the same reasons. So, yeah, I guess I am stuck on a loop.

All Made Up
Now, don’t get me wrong. There is still the odd spike of excitement with which to punctuate life (last week's news about the upcoming publication of my short story for instance), but, in these workless days of fatigue and malaise they are a little thinner on the ground.

So, maybe I should plump for option two. The path less travelled (at least by some). Maybe I should just start making stuff up.

I could start slow to begin with. Add in the odd suggestion of upcoming intrigue, drop a hint of some mysterious adventure I can’t really talk about—that kind of thing. Then, assuming those small fantasies get accepted, I could push it to see how far it’s possible to go.

Exciting Times
Before you know it the blog could be transformed into a world of excitement. There could be reports of the chess game I won against a man who, it turned out, was an escapee from a Nicaraguan death camp, my secret dinner date with the Minogue sisters on the third moon of Jupiter, and that time I single-handedly saved a toddler from being gored by rampaging mutant guinea pigs.

Yeah, that might be interesting.

Of course, it’s entirely unfeasible and ever so slightly unbelievable (I mean, we all know I’d only have eyes for Kylie, and her for me), so perhaps not (although it may pay to read further instalments a little more closely). Perhaps it’s safer, and potentially less libellous if the flights of fancy are grounded in my fiction and my blog posts stick to the less exciting truth, even if it does mean the odd uninspiring rerun.


New Tales Of Old: Volume 2

Death Ship



The Musketeers Vs Cthulhu

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