Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Where Do We Go From Here?

Hello dear readers.

No, it's not down to the lake I fear. In fact it's a totally different (and extremely geekish) song that brought the post title to mind. I'll leave you to ponder on that...

The reason for the title however is much less mysterious. You see you join me, gentle readers, at a moment of uncertainty, a veritable crossroads of existential incertitude. To put it plainly, I don't know what to do.

I don't mean right now. Right now I'm quite busy. I have a blog to write, washing up to do, people to kill with extreme prejudice (Only on Assassin's Creed; don't worry), and pets to take care of. Right now the future is, if not bright, at least clear. No, what I mean is I don't know what to do in the live, thrive, and survive sense of the term.

As I may have mentioned previously, I currently find myself between jobs. This means that sooner rather than later I'm going to have to get up off my bum (figuratively) and find myself gainful employment that will enable me to support myself, my wife and my step-daughter in the manner to which we have become accustomed. The issue is, that having reached the ripe old age of nearly 41, and having spent the vast majority of my working life in call centres of one type or another, I've had an epiphany.

I don't want to do that anymore.

So that leads us back to the question posed in the title. I know what I don't want to do, but what do I want to do. And that's the rub, because I truly Do. Not. Know. I quite fancy doing something that will make a difference in some way, perhaps something that can use that invaluable first hand and very personal knowledge of disability I possess. I also wouldn't be averse to doing something that would enable me to write, (you have no idea how much I'm enjoying blogging) but what kind of job connects those two things? And where would one even start looking for such a position?

The C.V is up to date and the interview questions have been prepared for. I've even joined Linkedin, although I haven't a clue what I'm doing on it. I'm prepared; oh yes,  ready to strike out into the turbulent waters of jobseeking and get that dream career. The only thing that's missing, is knowing in which direction to head.

Answers on a postcard (or in the comments section,) please.

Until next time

1 comment:

  1. Simple, go into copy writing Rankers.
