Wednesday 7 February 2024

New Shoes

Hello, dear reader!

It's just little old wifey me ….. I like to make good on promises so here is my latest news that I can finally share with you all.

Apply Yourself
Way, way, way back in October, with a huge amount of support and encouragement I actually applied for a job !. After many months of being really poorly mentally, and struggling to keep myself even safe, I was offered an opportunity to dip my toe back in the world of paid employment. Having only just completed my treatment through the mental health team, I knew that I would have to be very careful with any choice of work in the near future, I had been clean from self harm for about 3 months, and was actually doing really well.

So an opportunity arose to do some work within the team that had provided me with the life changing support I have had during the last 18 months. I can't say that I initially jumped at the chance, I needed lots of encouragement and gentle persuasion to even apply for the position.

Walking The Walk
The position would involve supporting people going through a mental health crisis, and seeking out treatment - a ‘walk alongside’ position that could possibly give those I support hope, and me a way to make good of my rubbish mental breakdown, and difficult life experiences.

When you've been through something difficult, then surely one of the most rewarding things that could happen as a result would be a chance to help someone else who is going through something similar. The chance to actually have someone say I know what you are going through, rather than having someone read something from a textbook, was something that helped me on my road to recovery. It's a powerful way of giving someone hope, giving someone a living and breathing example to follow. I also thought it could be a very good deterrent for me, a motivation for me to continue to keep mentally well using the skills I have learned.

Sharing Is Caring
So I applied ….. And after what seemed like years, I found out I had been successful in my application. Of course, my still slightly warped mental health began placing thoughts in my mind that I'm going to fail, that I'm not good enough ….. That I'm not ready.  But I managed to put those voices on mute for most of the time, and I am now a week into my new and exciting role.

Due to the confidential nature of my role, I can't really explain my role to you very specifically - but basically mine is a support role that hopefully brings, and allows my survival story and living example to be shared and used for the greater good.

Now that's more job satisfaction than I ever thought could be possible!

Until next time…


Hey, there! If you enjoyed reading any of the above, why not take a look at some of my published work? Below you’ll find links to a number of short stories I’m lucky enough to have included in anthologies. I’d love to know what you think

New Tales Of Old

Death Ship

Pestilence: Drabbles 1

Reaperman: Drabbles 3

The Musketeers Vs Cthulhu

Eldritch Investigations

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