Wednesday 17 May 2023

Grey Hair & A Creaking Back

Hello, dear reader!

So it seems it's my turn again …… you chose whether that's a good idea !!!!!

Today I want to ramble on about something that affects everyone, an inevitable part of life that often we all dread, yes you can get creams and treatments to delay it, and yes you have probably at one time wished you could slow it down. Have you guessed?—Today I want to ‘ chat’ about getting old.

Almost every time you turn the tv on you are faced with various advertisements for slowing down this process we call ageing. I am sure that if you happen to be a millionaire you could easily spend a fortune on miracle products that promise you that they can slow down, or dull the effects of this inevitability. There are apparently some amazing anti wrinkle creams that promise you a return of your youthful and glowing complexion, there are even surgeries that promise you that they can guarantee a return of the body you had in those younger days (where everything was tight, smooth, and blemish free ). But unfortunately I am not a millionaire - and even if I was I don't think that I would be tempted with these miracle treatments. I, along with so many others, try to cut costs where I can, and tend not to spend money on things I ( or we ) don't particularly need.

The phrase 'you're looking your age ‘ was often something that I avoided hearing for many years. I am only small ( 5ft 2 “ on a good day ) and this has on a few occasions caused people to question my age. But when you start going grey at 23, and have a changed body because of pregnancy (I can't blame my body on post-pregnancy now—my daughter is 23 ), you can’t easily hide the fact that age is taking its toll. I spent many years dying my hair various colours - usually trying to recapture the vibrant auburn haired youngster I had once been. But when my mental health declined, then my hair became very sensitive and would often fall out if I dyed it—I began, reluctantly at first, to embrace the grey. I do count myself lucky though, on the grey front, because my hair is very similar to my mum's hair, and her hair is now almost white, and mine is now a very nice shade of platinum blonde.

I have to say, the actual reason I am writing this blog is in actual fact an age related reason!. A couple of days ago, my lovely other half began to experience a pain in his back. Usually he is a very unassuming patient (with his varied health issues), but this back pain has caused him to be a bit on the whinging side lol. With almost every movement, there is now an accompanying ‘ouch’ or even an odd swear word here and there. After lots of sympathy I, of course, have reverted to the question ‘ do we need to see a doctor ‘ numerous times, and have got the reassuring answer from him, telling me that he reckons it's just an age thing, and it will be ok in a few days. We have tried (and still do) to look after our ageing bodies. We attempt to eat healthy food, and try to exercise daily, weather depending of course!!!!. But no matter how hard we try, the ageing process still creeps up—still affects us—and reminds us that we are not as young as we used to be. Fortunately, I think we are quite young at heart, and can often be found crying with laughter, or dancing when no one is watching. If I have learned anything during the past few years, it has to be to capture every moment, to live for the now and not the past, and to just enjoy life however long it may last.

This coming weekend is a significant celebration for Mirfield Salvation Army ( the Church I grew up in, and still attend …..sometimes ). A centenary celebration will take place, and no doubt there will be plenty of memories shared. I am pretty sure that there will be a powerpoint presentation at some point that contains lots of photographs of the Church throughout the 100 years it's been in Mirfield. I highly suspect that there will be a number of photographs containing a Tina shaped person, either with long flowing auburn hair, or an embarrassing picture of TBC (Tina before Chest ). And when I see those pictures, I will no doubt cringe with embarrassment, but I am pretty sure I will smile too. The fact that a 48 year old Tina is still alive and kicking is I hope a reason to celebrate for some people.

Until next time…

Hey, there! If you enjoyed reading any of the above, why not take a look at some of my published work? Below you’ll find links to a number of short stories I’m lucky enough to have included in anthologies. I’d love to know what you think

New Tales Of Old: Volume 2

Death Ship



The Musketeers Vs Cthulhu

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