Wednesday 9 October 2024

Party Time

Hello, dear reader!

And welcome to the week after the night before.

Yes, the grand 50th birthday bash, as detailed here and here, is over and done with. The balloons have been popped, the wrapping paper cleared up, and the last chicken drumstick stolen.

But what a night it was.

Wednesday 2 October 2024

The Last Minute

Hello, dear reader!

Last week, as any regular sufferers of this blog may recall, I predicted that I would, at this point in the week, be ‘thrumming with excitement’

And thrumming I am!

In just two days time, you see, I will be co-hosting the biggest event I’ve had any kind of hand in arranging.

Yes, I’m expecting the worst too, but we’ll get to that.

Wednesday 25 September 2024


Hello, dear reader!

And welcome to the start of a busy couple of weeks.

This time next week I’ll be thrumming with excitement at the prospect of the upcoming party Tina and I will be hosting to mark our joint 50th year.

Of course in the meantime there’s a million and one things to do, just to make sure everything is as it should be (people to remind to turn up, balloons to inflate, vegetarian sausages to pre-order, etc) but that will all come. For now, I think it’s wise to leave those irons in their respective fires and concentrate on this Friday. A day which will see us don our deerstalkers and investigate… a murder!

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Before the Funeral

Hello, dear reader!

It’s going to be a quick one today.

And I know that’s not always been a proclamation that’s proven particularly accurate, but this time I mean it.

You see, today there’s something I need to do, and it’s not something I’m looking forward to.

Wednesday 11 September 2024

Peer To Peer

Hello, dear reader!

I thought I would steal Mark’s blog this week - if that’s ok with you ?

As many of you will know ( as I often can be found sharing the fact wherever I go ) I have an amazing role now within the NHS - working with people who very literally saved my life in 2021 when I had my breakdown.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Side Effects

Hello, dear reader!

Yes, I’m back!

And my word does it feel good!

Well, no. Not entirely.

Wednesday 21 August 2024

As A Fiddle

Hello, dear reader!

Back to normality.

Yes, the big birthday (50th), and the week of indulgence that followed it are now nothing but a distant, shining memory. It’s back to behaving (apparently behaving badly doesn’t count).

It’s back to trying to be somewhat healthy.