Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Big Break

Hello, dear reader!

It’s probably going to be a quick one today.

That is for two reasons. One., I seem to have lost the ability to type with any accuracy (what do you mean, what’s new?) and two, there’s not been an awful lot going on over the last week.

It leaves me with somewhat of a dearth of subjects to whitter on about, so, instead of taking the time to look back, I’m going to look into the future.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

The Road Most Travelled

Hello, dear reader!

And breathe!

Yes, for what seems like the first time this year, a whole week had passed us by without any expensive emergencies cropping up, and long may it continue.

It gives me the headspace to look a little further afield when considering the subject matter or this week’s offering. Not too far, you understand, but certainly outside these four walls. In fact, it also takes us to the end of the street.
You see, for some time now, we’ve been suffering from intermittent road works.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Wash Day Blues

Hello, dear reader!

What a week!

There’s been ups and downs, thrills and spills, jubilation and despair. It’s been enough to drive any person to the edge of sanity and back again, possibly with a short layover in leafy mild hysteria.

And it’s only Wednesday.