Thursday 25 May 2023

Clean Bowled

Hello, dear reader!

It’s going to be a short one today, a quick read (stop cheering at the back). The reason for this unexpected brevity? Well, that has a little to do with cleanliness, a little to do with windows, and a little to do with crown green bowling.

Intrigued? Then read on.
Window Seat
We’ll start with the windows, as that’s the subject lying at the heart of this tangled web. In particular, we’ll start with our (our being myself and my ever-amazing wife, Tina. You probably read last week’s post which she, of course, wrote. If you missed it, it’s here) windows.

Actually, more properly the windows belong to our house, which I guess makes them ours (and the bank’s). I wouldn’t want to lead you to believe that we are two people perfectly matched by being fitted with triple-glazing from the neck down.

That aside, the windows we sit, wander, and lay beside are a little on the aged side and somewhat more porous when it comes to matters meteorological. To date, they remain waterproof, but they are, on occasion, a touch draughty and, perversely, not great at keeping the damp out.

Yeah, I don’t know either.

Coming Clean
So, with a little fiscal help from my lovely parents, we’re getting some brand new windows fitted. This will be accomplished over an unspecified amount of time, but as it’s my mostly retired Uncle David who will be doing the fitting, and summer is upon us, that’s not exactly a hardship.

Except for the cleaning.

Now, I’m not sure whether the measuring, which will proceed the ordering of the new windows and anything and everything that entails, will need access to the house, or can be accomplished from the outside. I do, however, believe that glass is still see-through, and as our warm and cosy home, tends, on occasion, to slide towards disorder and entropy in a multitude of specific and localised ways (I.E. it’s a bit untidy and could do with a clean), and as my father is accompanying Uncle Dave and has been known to report back to my mother, a woman who makes Kim and Aggie look slovenly, we need to have a sort-out and a wip-down, lest disapprovement is shone our way (why yes, I am nearly 50, and my own man. Thank-you for asking).

So, with the clock ticking, that’s the remainder of the day. Soap, water, strangely specific bottles of cleaning stuff (what does happen if you use bathroom cleaner in the kitchen?), and elbow grease.

And then comes the bowling.

Bowled Over
You see, we’re not dragging my dad and uncle the 12 or so miles out of their way just to measure up. No, they were headed here anyway. Both men are keen bowlers, and members of a team that just happen to have a fixture at the green a few hundred yards down the road. It’s a nice bit of synchronicity and means that, as a reward for getting our house in order, myself and Tina plan to take advantage of the clement weather, and do some spectating. The only question is, whether we support by locality or family. Do we go home or away.

And that’s your lot. I’ve just about finished my morning coffee, and I fancy I hear the call of a scrubbing brush with my name on it.

Wish me luck!


Hey, there! If you enjoyed reading any of the above, why not take a look at some of my published work? Below you’ll find links to a number of short stories I’m lucky enough to have included in anthologies. I’d love to know what you think

New Tales Of Old: Volume 2

Death Ship



The Musketeers Vs Cthulhu

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