Wednesday 9 October 2024

Party Time

Hello, dear reader!

And welcome to the week after the night before.

Yes, the grand 50th birthday bash, as detailed here and here, is over and done with. The balloons have been popped, the wrapping paper cleared up, and the last chicken drumstick stolen.

But what a night it was.
I’m not one for organising events, or anything much else for that matter. Something the contents of my wardrobe, my Works In (not a lot of) Progress folder, and the fact I’m writing this with a scant 4 hours to go until publishing time will attest to. I’ve always been too lackadaisical (and kudos to me for getting the spelling of that word right first time). Too laissez faire. Too lazy.

This was the big one, though. After not really doing an awful lot for my 21st, 30th, or even 40th, and with my ever effervescent wife, Tina feeling the same way. This was the chance to throw our weight behind a joint party. It’s taken some four months in the planning. Four months of venue hunting and guest list writing. Four months of decoration planning and refreshment finalising.

And now it’s done.

No Worries
I think it’s left both myself and Tina in an odd state of doldrum-ic becalm-ment. It’s done. It’s over. The excitement and expectation we’ve both been revelling in for the last few weeks is gone. Rather like the Boxing Day blues, the popping of the champagne cork has left behind it only an echo of that wonderful time celebrating alongside family and friends.

But I guess that’s the point.

I’ve always been a fan of living in the ‘now’. Not in the adrenaline junkie, ride the rollercoaster, wrestle an alligator in the nude sort of way. I’m too used to my creature comforts for that. I don’t tend to worry unduly (and maybe even duly) about tomorrow, nor do I tend to live too deeply in the past. For there, in the extreme, lies regret and fear—depression and anxiety.

Chasing Perfction
That’s a touch negative, isn’t it?

In reality, we can let ourselves feel excitement and the thrill of trepidation about upcoming events. We can look forward to the good that tomorrow promises, and do our best to prepare for it, while recognising that perfection is often unattainable—could a few more people have been free for the party—yes. Would it have been nice to have one or two less last minute (and I’m talking same day) cancellations when the food had already been paid for—also yes. People have lives though, and shit happens.

We can also afford to look back at the night in question with a quiet sense of satisfaction, because other than the one empty table, the mountain of leftover food, and the banner proclaiming ‘Mark & Tina’s 50th’ which refused to stay stuck to either wall or buffet table, the night went exceptionally well.

Share Time
Most of the people I would care to share the night with were there, friends and family,including my step-daughter, Sarah who we don’t see as often as we should, what with her paramedic-ing down in that London,, and i know Tina feels the same. The music played. There was food. There was laughter There was dancing, including a rendition of my fabled ‘leg guitar solo’. There were lashings and lashings of alcohol, including a few rounds of shots. Our dog, Bonnie, who we brought with us but left in our room, proved to be an unexpectedly popular attraction. It really was a phenomenal night, shared with all the right kind of people.

So, yes, I guess there are reasons to look back—not in anger or regret, but in that same sense of celebration. What is it they say? Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.

Here’s to smiling.

Until next time.


Hey, there! If you enjoyed reading any of the above, why not take a look at some of my published work? Below you’ll find links to a number of short stories I’m lucky enough to have included in anthologies. I’d love to know what you think.

New Tales Of Old

Death Ship

Pestilence: Drabbles 1

Reaperman: Drabbles 3

The Musketeers Vs Cthulhu

Eldritch Investigations

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