Wednesday 24 July 2024

Just The Two Of Us

Hello, dear reader!

Time, as they say, flies.

Nothing brings this home more than the slew of milestone celebrations 2024 has brought with it.

A 21st birthday, an 18th, myself and my wúnderwifey, Tina both turning a full half century. Each and every one of these events is a landmark, and each one of them makes me feel even older than the big 5-0 I turn in two and a half weeks.

But there’s one celebration that’s flown under the radar. Myself and Tina’s 12th wedding anniversary.

High Steaks
I suppose numerically it’s not a biggy. Not like the tenth, or fifteenth anniversaries. It doesn’t carry that same sense of being one of the 'big ones'. It still means one hell of a lot, though.

The twelve years we’ve been married have been unbelievably happy, but, as with any journey we’ve travelled through some peaks and some troughs. 

Oh, there’s been love and laughter aplenty, but there’s also been illness and changes in circumstances. Neither one of us is in the same place as we were when we met. I mean on a physical, mental, and emotional level. Obviously we’re not in The Three Nuns pub, where we had our first face-to-face, We couldn’t be. It’s a Miller & Carter Steakhouse now.

It’s impossible to know for a fact what would have happened if that happy occasion, or the trip to Paris where I popped the question, or the big day (28/07/2012) itself hadn’t happened, and nor would I want to. But, without the wonderful joint support we’ve managed to show each other through the hard times (and the good—and good luck getting rid of that earworm), life would have been ten times harder.

Wedding Present
So, this coming Sunday, twelve years to the day since we said our I dos, we’re going to have ourselves a trip to far off, exotic Leeds for a meal and a drink. We’ll put away all thoughts of parties, guest lists, and drunken rampages with the boys (why yes, one is on the horizon), and concentrate on each other, because that’s what’s got us this far and will get us a whole lot further, too. Mutual care, mutual support, and a whole lot of love (an earworm for those that didn’t get the first one).

Monday will dawn, and with it a well earned hangover but, for one day, we plan to opt out of the more serious side of life. We’ll put all thoughts of days to come to one side, and for twenty four hours, revel in the present and celebrate the imperfect perfection that is our marriage.

A report on the hi-jinks may very well follow.

Until next time.


Hey, there! If you enjoyed reading any of the above, why not take a look at some of my published work? Below you’ll find links to a number of short stories I’m lucky enough to have included in anthologies. I’d love to know what you think.

New Tales Of Old

Death Ship

Pestilence: Drabbles 1

Reaperman: Drabbles 3

The Musketeers Vs Cthulhu

Eldritch Investigations

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