Wednesday 29 May 2024

Ballot Box Blues

Hello, dear reader!

It appears that, once again, we live in interesting times.

That’s right, folks, last week, just a little after I’d finished putting the final details of my blog together, everything changed. An announcement was made that has the potential to change everything, and pretty much ensures an entertaining few weeks are in store.

Because, last week, a General Election was called.

The Body Politic
Now, I know there are those (Mum!), who dislike me dipping my toes (or should that be front castors) into the murky world of politics, and I understand why.

Politics is, by its very nature, divisive. There is a tendency towards tribalism, an almost ‘football team’ mentality of ‘my side right or wrong’ that can creep in to people’s thinking that can affect us all. Something of which I’m as guilty, if not more so, than anyone.

But this time around, it seems more and more people are uniting in a common cause. A noble endeavour that I for one am prepared to unashamedly nail my colours to. It’s not, perhaps, the most progressive of crusades, and it’s not the most broad in its scope. In fact, it has just one overreaching aim, but that aim, in my opinion, holds within it the possibility for so much more. If only we can achieve this one thing first.

Get. The Tories. Out.

Your Country Needs YOU!
It’s that simple. On July 4th, (independence Day—Someone’s not really thought this through, have they?) we, as a country, have the chance to rid ourselves of the most egregious, self-serving, self-enriching set of charlatans it’s been my displeasure to see in the corridors of power.

But, to do that, we have to vote.

And herein lies the rub. Because, in my forays through social media, and even when discussing the matter with relatives, there seems to be a malaise hanging over that opportunity.

They’re all the same, or so I’ve heard. Nothing will change, I’m told. Starmer's Labour are just Tory-lite, I’ve read. And, yes, although these points seem to me to be born from a mind-set of helpless apathy, I can understand them. 

One Hop This Time
The main opposition, the one most likely to benefit from what I personally hope will be a Tory humbling, will be a Labour Party that’s lurched as far right as I’ve known it. The Overton window through which we view the political spectrum has swung in that direction over the last however many years (You could argue Thatcher, or even before), and seems to keep on sliding to the right in some perverse rendition of the Cha-cha slide.

The thing is, given a choice of drinking hydrochloric acid, or drinking diluted hydrochloric acid, there’s still one option that’s blatantly better. Especially if refusing to make a choice means you get the former poured down your throat for the next 4-5 years (at least).

Ideally, with the Tory numbers greatly reduced, there will be a chance for The Greens and some of the smaller and more robustly socialist parties to wield some influence in what I fervently hope will be a brave new world. Hopefully the Lib Dems find a backbone and some principles. Hopefully we can slide to the left (everybody clap your hands—Sorry), and start to make politics about the people again.

The Thing With Feathers (look it up, if you don't know)
I know it’s a lot of hope, but I’m a hopeful chap. An idealist that, although it’s a close run thing, still has an enduring (possibly stupid) faith in the future. I have hopes of the political landscape moving to the left. I have hope of the scrapping of First Past The Post by its last winners (I know) and the introduction of Proportional Representation. I have hope.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, however, and that step is the one we take on July 4th. To that end, I would encourage, nay, beg you, to make sure you have the right I.D., that you know where you’re registered to vote, and that you cast your ballot. (at the risk of sounding old—People died to give you that right), and finally, to not vote Tory.

Beyond that, there’s thoughts of tactical voting, i.e. holding one’s nose and voting for the party best placed to achieve the aforementioned aim, and that’s an avenue to explore, but the main thing, for me, is to vote, vote tactically if you can, and, whatever else you do. Don't. Vote. Tory.

Good luck.


Hey, there! If you enjoyed reading any of the above, why not take a look at some of my published work? Below you’ll find links to a number of short stories I’m lucky enough to have included in anthologies. I’d love to know what you think.

New Tales Of Old

Death Ship

Pestilence: Drabbles 1

Reaperman: Drabbles 3

The Musketeers Vs Cthulhu

Eldritch Investigations

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