Wednesday 19 August 2015

Radio Silence

Hello again dear readers!

Yes it is I, your friendly neighbourhood seated person, back in the blogosphere, ready to amuse, bemuse and bewilder at your convenience.

Now I know it's been a while but that has mainly been down to technical issues coupled with the busy schedule of signing on, searching for jobs, being ill and celebrating a birthday.

The technical issues are actually linked to the job search in a way. You see, as part of this procedure I was advised that an Email address that starts with ‘Rankers’ might not give the air of professional competence that I'm aiming for. To correct this I set up a new email solely for the purpose of submitting applications and such. Unfortunately, pretty much at random, I chose a Gmail account.... And this is where the fun began.

Blogger, the host for my inane ramblings, is a Google owned site you see and as such my sign on details were changed without my knowledge. Blogger refused to see me as the owner of this blog and insisted I was a new user; a situation that resulted in much bemusement, frustration and swearing at an inanimate object. This issue was, when it came down to it, relatively easy to resolve but my lack of any kind of Tech-Fu coupled with the aforementioned busy bee-ness has meant it has taken longer than was strictly necessary.

Still the intervening time has not gone without incident. Signing on has been an experience in and of itself; not one I’ve gone through before and to be honest, not one I’d care to repeat, although I have learnt a few things (to work for the army, even in a clerical role you have to be a soldier first and pass a full medical. Yeah, not going to happen.) And a new application has gone in for a blue badge for the car (prompted by getting a ticket whilst doing the aforementioned signing on.) The job search may well be starting to bear some fruit as well. In fact I have an interview on Friday for a sales role, working for a well-known purveyor of soft furnishings. I'm not sure, as of yet, how I feel about a commission based role but the interview should be interesting at least and let's face it, if there's one thing I'm pretty much an expert on it’s sitting down.

Until next time...

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