Sunday 19 June 2016

Them And Us

Hello Dear Readers!

Do right. Do your best  Treat others as you want to be treated.
Lou Holtz
Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated.
Read more at:
Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated.
Read more at:
Do right. Do your best. Treat others as you want to be treated.
Read more at:

Some weeks it can be a struggle to come up with a worthwhile offering to you, my gentle readers. Sometimes the last seven days have been nothing but humdrum. Sometimes every day has been far too everyday to squeeze something meaningful out of.

This is not one of those weeks

Sunday 12 June 2016

Park It

Hello Dear Readers!

I'm a very firm believer in karma, and put it this way: I get a lot of good parking spots.
Al Jourgensen

It has been a relatively quiet week since my last post. A week mostly spent completing some of the less than thrilling jobs that go along with buying ones own house.

Tuesday, for instance, saw a telephone appointment to agree a mortgage. This entailed a three way conversation between myself, my wife Tina, and a lovely and very thorough young lady (who nevertheless and rather worryingly, managed to spell my surname and my mother’s maiden name wrong), representing the bank who we have convinced to lend us money.

It was this innocuous seeming event that led to yesterday’s excitement.

Sunday 5 June 2016

Getting The Needle

Hello Dear Readers!

“Tired, but not the kind of tired that sleep fixes.”
I'd Like To Thank the Acadamy
Before we get into today’s post I’d like to offer up a note of gratitude to you wonderful readers. The last two weeks has seen the number of readers sneak over 1000 for the respective posts. I know it’s a vanity but it really does mean a lot to know people are reading these poor scribblings so… Thank you, thank you, thank you!

 Busy Times
Aaaanyway, back to the matter at hand. It’s actually been quite a productive week since last we met. The house purchase continues apace (see House & Home). An appointment for a mortgage has been arranged. My chair is once again back on three wheels (see Three Wheels On My Wagon ). And a response has been received to the holiday complaint email I sent (see Hi-de-hi? Hi-de-NO!), with the result being a 50% refund!

All of that and a full working week to boot, and of course there are more busy times peeking over the horizon; making  it slightly unfortunate that  I’m quickly careering towards an appointment at the doctors.